Thursday, 1 October 2009

in the name Of gOd :
going LOndon :
I wanTo go LOndon for give education best and sO get my purpose best. ... ,
now listen on the lasT days :
at first, my mother and aunt and cousin went dubai fOr giving vis@,we was ther fOr about one mount,,,,it was fun fOr me ,and after tahaT i came back IRAN ...after 3d@y ,i go LOndon.,...I was fun fOr me ,i started my clasS n the days,on the third days.....,i clean my roOm and went for register ,and buying mobile,and some thing is fun fOr me,and I astar a new life ,and i shOuld and wanT to study hard and get my purpose with best and fun.

sighn Pegah

1 comment:

  1. Good to see that you're having fun Pegah. Well done.

    Try not to mix small and CAPITAL letters. Always use a full stop to finish sentences, you use commas too much. It is difficult to see where your sentences begin and end.

    Also when you make the subject use a capital 'I' not 'i'.
